Category Archives: Purple Cow by Seth Godin

Part I: Purple Cow Book Talk


This discussion basically covers the beginning of the book through page 53.  Please feel free to join our talk, even if you haven’t read the book.  These questions could prompt any of our marketing or business-minded friends to give valuable insights.

I’ve jotted down notes as I read through Purple Cow.  Feel free to answer any or all of these questions.  Please copy and paste the question into your Comment so others understand the question to which you are referring.

You may have your own questions or intriguing thoughts; awesome!  Please post your questions or thoughts so others can comment on them as well.

Overall Impression, Questions, and Thoughts on this Section

Remarkable marketing starts with a remarkable product or service, not vice versa.  So, how is your product remarkable or how could you make it more so?  How does it stand out among the competition?  Does this have to do with the story behind you or your product/service (because your story is more important to your customers, brand, and marketing than you think).

Page 4 – The postconsumer consumer reminded me immediately of selling online, particularly on Etsy.  Just when a person thinks they might be the only one doing (fill in the blank) you find someone else who is.

Page 7 – What “good stuff” happens when you create your product or apply your service?  How is your product/service uniquely yours?

Page 13 – “Most people can’t buy your product. They either don’t have the money, they don’t have the time, or they don’t want it.”  Ouch!  What a low blow!  But, this doesn’t mean we’re all doomed, this means we have to be incredibly special to our most important word-of-mouth-marketer-customers so they can do the most convincing and effective marketing work for us.

Page 14 – Don’t go down on your prices!!!!  If anything, go up!  “…if a company came up with a really neat innovation…we’d find a way to pay for it.”

Page 21 – “The new rule is: Create Remarkable Products that the Right People Seek Out.”  So often, I think to myself, “How can I sell to EVERYBODY?”  But, after reading this first section, that’s not good business practice.  The right customers will come back time and again, no matter if I offer free shipping or not.

Page 22 – Who are your Early Adopters?  These are the folks who will sell your product for you to their friends and family members.  And, I thought, a big part of their sales pitch about your product, will include your story.

Page 30 – “…it’s safer to be risky” in the creation of your product/service.  “…create things worth talking about.”  How do you do this in your business?  What could you possibly do differently?  Remember, train your brain to focus on your early adopters as your main clientele, not everyone.

Page 34 – “…make profits and reinvest them in something new.”  Reminds me of how Madonna and David Bowie are constantly in a state of re-invention and putting out something different, new, unfamiliar but familiar.  They usually look different with every new album.  How can you put this principle into your business?

Page 38 – Does your product or service offer convenience?  If your first inclination is to answer “no,” how can you make that into a “yes?”

Page 40 – “How smooth and easy is it to spread your idea” or product?  Have you put your top-selling product through this analysis?  If so, what did you find out about it?

Page 47 – “Why aren’t you cheating?”  Well… its unfair!  So, what unspoken rules are you abiding by in business that can be stretched, molded, broken, or just plain done away with?  And I’m not talking about moral codes or tax laws, but just “rules of business” that you think you must follow.

This was one of the parts of this section of the book that stood out to me the most: “The influential sneezers, the people with a problem to solve – they’re open to hearing your story only if it’s truly remarkable; otherwise, you’re invisible.” How did this statement affect you or make you reflect on your current marketing plan (and we all have one, it doesn’t have to be written out)?

Purple Cow by Seth Godin: An Etsy Fort Worth Book Talk


purple cow

Its time to begin our Book Talk about Purple Cow.  If you haven’t already, please get your copy of this book (available on Audible, Amazon, Barnes & Noble, etc.) so you can follow along with the discussion.

Let’s start with some Ps.

Purpose: The purpose of this Blog-style Book Talk is to reap the benefits of a group discussion about the concepts and content of Purple Cow without having to meet face-to-face.  We are all handmade small-business owners who see extreme value in standing out among not only competitors but the slew of information and products available on the internet.

Processes:  Basically, I’ll post some questions that get some chatter going through Commenting.  When a particular comment is hot and warrants its own post, I’ll create an original post so those comments can be streamlined and focused.  I encourage you to look through all the posts and comments so that you can read what your friends are saying and ask questions, agree, respectfully disagree with further information, or add to the discussion.  If you want to speak to someone directly, reply to their comment or use @username in your comment.

If you have a question or want to start a discussion that doesn’t necessarily go along with the particular section of the book or post that is current, please visit the “Purple Cow: Open Forum” section under “Purple Cow by Seth Godin.”  This is a place where anything and everything can be discussed about our Book Talk experience with Purple Cow (except for bad-mouthing the moderator, which is HIGHLY discouraged!).

Positivity: It goes without saying that positive talk breeds positive thinking and vice versa.  We are in this Book Talk together to help one another not only understand how Purple Cow can help our businesses, but to listen to one another about what Godin’s message does for our entrepreneurial experience.  Comments that hinder our growth will be removed from the board without permission-asking or pleading to edit.  Ain’t nobody got time for that!

If you have any suggestions or see something along the way that could work better for our group, please email me, Ashley, at

Our first post will discuss Not Enough Ps (pg. 1) through The Law of Large Numbers (pg. 51).  Discussion topics will be posted before February 24th.  For now, let’s all introduce ourselves by commenting to this post.   Tell us who you are and what you do (the key to opening any good business pitch).